A Guide To Having Dental Veneers

  • Cosmetic Dentistry   •   Sept  27, 2022

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, dental veneers may be a good solution for you. The most important thing is to do your research, look at all your options, and remember that no one single smile fits all solutions, so you want to work with an experienced dentist and team who will customise your veneers to suit your face, your preferences, and your aesthetic goals for your appearance.

In this blog post, we will discuss veneers in more detail.

What are veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, tooth-coloured shells or coverings made of porcelain or composite that are placed over the visible parts of your teeth. These overlays cover the front of each tooth, they are applied and look just like natural teeth (but better) and are meant to improve the appearance of your smile. Dental veneers are customised to match the colour and general shape of your existing teeth so they look just like new and improved versions of your own teeth. 

If you have noticeably chipped, broken, or worn teeth, or stains on your teeth that cannot be fixed by bleaching or whitening treatments, then veneers might be a good choice for you. Veneers can also mask greyness or other discolourations caused by root canals or even cover over an old tooth filling that has discoloured or are more obvious than you’d like.

What are veneers made of?

Veneers are usually made of porcelain or composite resin. 

How to get Veneers?

Getting dental veneers is a process that involves multiple steps.

Once you and your dentist have determined that veneers are a good course of action and an appropriate solution for the issues you have with your teeth and smile, you’ll have a series of appointments.

Getting tooth veneers usually requires at least three separate visits to your dentist spaced out over a month or longer; there will likely be follow-up appointment(s) down the line to ensure that you are comfortable and happy later as well.

Note that if you want to whiten or bleach the teeth that you are not getting veneered, you should do that before you get your temporary veneers in order to ensure that your dentist can match the colour perfectly.

Appointment One: Dental Veneer Diagnosis & Planning

The first appointment is for diagnosis of your dental problems and treatment planning. You and your dentist will start the preliminary steps of the process by discussing your concerns.

Your dentist will discuss your desires and preferences and any limitations that you may have.

They will also look at your smile and face from every angle, examine and make impressions of your bite.

At this initial appointment, your dentist will take X-rays of your mouth in order to determine any issues with your teeth and mouth, then create a mould of your teeth that they will then use to create your new veneers which will be fitted, coloured, and otherwise designed to create your perfect new smile.

It may take anywhere from a week to a month to get your temporary veneers ready for your next appointment.

Appointment Two: Getting Temporary Dental Veneers

The second appointment is for the review of your customized veneers.

You’ll have temporary veneers made out of liquid composite to wear for several days or longer to get used to the new look – and you’ll be able to give your dentist feedback before the permanent ones are placed.

Your dentist will trim the temporary veneers to fit your teeth exactly and match the shade that seems the most suited to the rest of your existing teeth.

During the time you have your temporary veneers (which is typically 2- 3 weeks), you will be able to check out and “live with” your new teeth for a while, allowing you to give feedback and make any changes before the veneers are cemented to your teeth at the third appointment.

Appointment Three: Placing the Dental Veneers

Finally, the third appointment is when your new veneers are actually installed. Before the veneers are actually glued into place, your dentist will place them over your teeth and make any final tweaks or adjustments to the shape, fit and even the colour (which can be adjusted via the shade of the dental cement used to adhere them).

When you and your dentist are both happy with the look of the veneer on each tooth, then they will be glued into place.

Next, dental bond is applied and an ultraviolet light is used to bind and harden the adhesive that attaches your veneers to your teeth.

Finally, any excess cement is removed and final adjustments are made as your dentist evaluates the look and placement of the veneers,  making sure they fit with your bite and are comfortable as well as attractive.

After that you are all ready to debut your new smile!

You’ll have a follow-up visit after you’ve lived with your permanent veneers for several weeks in order to make sure everything is healing nicely and your gums and bite are responding properly to the new additions to your teeth.

Taking Care of Your Veneers

Caring for your veneers can be relatively simple and similar to taking care of your own teeth in terms of brushing, flossing, and other standard dental hygiene including regular cleanings, but there are a few special limitations.

You’ll want to be especially careful eating hard, tough, or chewy foods, especially at first. What’s more, you’ll need to protect your investment by always wearing a mouthguard when playing contact sports, wearing a retainer or splint at night to protect your veneers, especially if you grind your teeth, and avoid chewing on pens, crunching on ice, or biting your nails.

Finally, be aware that you should try and reduce the consumption of red wine, coffee, and other foods or drinks that can stain your teeth because your veneers can get stained in the same manner.

In summary

Veneers can give you the beautiful smile that you have always wanted!  If you are considering getting veneers, we encourage you to talk to your dentist about whether they are the right option for you. 

To find out if veneers are right for you, call us on 07 5591 3620 or use our online booking system to book a consultation.

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